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What is your routine? An experiment to discover your own habit systems

This guide will allow you to kickstart a direct reflection of your regular habits. Gain clarity about your own goals, systems and motivations. The result might surprise you. This guide

Writing down 10 daily ideas will change your life forever

Creativity is a muscle that you can build. The best way to build a muscle is regular disruption, this is why habits are so powerful. Daily ideas will pump it

The concept of self-actualization

Stop living someone else’s life and start your own Concepts are our common way to develope things — it gives us safety in uncertain times. What is good or bad about concepts in general? (Good) We

A beautiful lesson my son taught me as he learned to swim in a single day

A beautiful lesson my son taught me as he learned to swim in a single day Raising kids is a big self-discovery journey that we take. We are forced to